Sunday, December 16, 2007

Re: thurs 13th RRR 6:20 bayway

On Dec 13, 2007 6:48 PM, Ksenya wrote:
scott did not regale us with ride fanfare today so i'll fill in, albeit i cannot use as many GRE words in one sentence as he can. no ride shall go unreported.

lorenzo, daniel h, scott, julian, marius, and yours truly rendezvoused at ritual, surprisingly cheery for 6:15. on the way to cortland, othman joined as the seventh. we were truckin along fairly peacefully in the 37 degree sub san franciscan environs (that's 2.5 degrees celcius for those not brought up in the u s of a), when somewhere just past the airport marius attempted to unclip and boy did he. the pedal, along with the crank, spontaneously fell to the ground, but with the help of julian's trusty 5mm allen wrench was as good as new. again the gang stopped by the golf course to enjoy the sunrise and fix julian's mtn bike tire flat. i used the opportunity to gain advantage on the pack (cos ya kno, i rather be chased than have to chase.... on a bike), and forged forward alongside three feral cats. the breakaway was alas futile as the rest of the group took the foster city shortcut and passed me mere seconds before i reached the crossing of the two roads. thus the chasee became the chaser and julian caught the next caltrain. with all the holdups, and in hopes to redeem the sad demise of food at noname the day prior, five riders raced to eat every omelet, gritz, granola, and hazelnut muffin out there, whether they wanted it or not. a giant plate of strange hodgepodge of food awaited me as i leisurely arrived later. great ride, end state temperature 48 degrees.


PS: besides experiencing strange mechanicals, today marius also revolutionized something for the world of cycling. all know that full finger gloves are better than short finger gloves on a day like today. but what's even better is mittens. and what do you do when you don't have mittens? but of course, you wear socks on your hands. shifting ability is not impaired, similar results to marius's not guaranteed. scott has photographic evidence of this new fashion.

On Dec 12, 2007 5:55 PM, Scott Crosby <> wrote:
due to the aggressive "sorry you missed breakfast... sucker!" attitude at no-name these days, tomorrow's bayway will be departing at 6:20.  get to ritual at 6:10 for your double macchiato.

ksenya will be Ride Commander, and you shall do her bidding.


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