Ride Report:
while less grandiose than the hmbway, i'm super glad scott suggested this ride. the following hombres rolled out at a casual 6:40 - brett crosby, naveen, bk broiler, steve and the burr twins: bryan and scott. decent pace, rolling maybe 2:10? despite bay meadows being closed, the pedestrian/bike path through the parking lot was still open, though achtung! pay attention or you will be decapitated by the caltrain platform just before old county rd. for various reasons, brett gave the route the proverbial thumbs down. too many lights / stop signs. i say hogwash! nothing like basking in the warm glow of nostalgia -- old county rd breakaways, colma cemeteries, crazy fixie guy, a belly-strong and head-sure marius attack, more dooring opportunities per mile than any route, and a little bit of real-life grand theft auto: redwood city.
only one mechanical (flat, mine, sorry) and near-miss (me leading the pack into the path of a moving truck, sorry again.) i promise to be better next time.
looking forward to the next installment, a few weeks away!
--Brian Wickman
i admit it was an excellent suggestion, and despite the incessant moanings of that woman kemler and brett's caesarian thumbs-down (route not executed despite that), i think all generally had a jovial good time.
one point of clarification: brian w. and I are now to be referred to as the "Burr Brothers", as indicated below. why? upon reaching no-name, it was decreed that a custom burrito must be ordered by all, forthwith. the sous-chef(?) took our bowls o' modifications (soyrizo/fake kielbasa/avocado/cheese, mmm) and wrote down on a Post-It note the following:
"Burr Scott" and "Burr Brian"
so after waiting a while and seeing no burritos being made, they finally yelled out "OMELETS FOR SCOTT AND BRIAN BURR!!!"
we decided complaining was petulant/discretion-the-better-part-of-valor and ate our delicious omelets, despite brett's orgiastic moanings over the flavor of his burrito...
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:46 PM, Nils Tikkanen wrote:
Glad to hear it worked out. So this might become a weekly ride? I'd love to make it out soon.
-- NilsOn Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Topher wrote:
Lina, Topher and of course Stephan himself celebrated the 33rd anniversary of his birth. We all had such a great ride that we decreed (by a 2/3 majority) that Stephan shall have a birthday every Friday!
Hwy 1 over Devil's slide wasn't so bad. Thank you Nils for the helpful suggestion getting through Pacifica. The temperature was just right once we got going. No fog, just clouds, and those cleared up as we climbed Tunitas Creek.
62.6 mi, approx 4390 ft ascent, 4:13 rolling and 5:04 total. Times up Tunitas from Cabrillo to Skyline:
Topher 56
Lina 1:03
Stephan 1:04
On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:34 AM, Eric Altendorf wrote:
Happy birthday! Hope you're having fun out there. I slept in today :-D
On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 11:15 PM, Stephan Ellner wrote:
> let's see if we do it again next week, but tomorrow is my birthday, so
> tomorrow is not negotiable ;)
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Eric Altendorf
> wrote:
>> I'd like to do this (I suggested a half moon bay way earlier this
>> week), but not on friday. I've done 3 rides already and if I ride
>> friday, it will be lazy-like. Next week?
>> 2008/9/10 Stephan Ellner
>> > Mission -> Skyline -> Sharp Park -> Pacifica -> HWY1 -> Tunitas Creek ->
>> > Kings Mountain -> Woodside etc. -> Googleplex
>> > about 60 miles, expect > 1 hour of serious climbing, RRR 6:30am, hope to
>> > arrive at work at noon latest
>> > Google map (approximate route)
>> > Anyone crazy enough to join?
>> > Stephan
>> > FAQ http://go/roadbikes
>> >
ride report:gloomy non-summery morning. kemler, hobe, sean from linkedin, ed from tivo, jay, and moi rendezvoused at ritual. marius was a negative one as he forgot the "essential equipment" called his bicycle in mtv.everyone got a buddy and rode in pairs until a regroup at the bathrooms to switch dance partners.no sightings of skin-shedding rattlesnake, some sightings of dog, and a couple of alligators.i've come out of a six week bike sabbatical to bid jay farewell (trinh and lina, who've been spreading the rumours of my retirement, missed the occasion).jay will be celebrating his emancipation from mountain view with more sf2gs this week, stay tuned.KsenyaOn Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:56 PM, Ed wrote:
i may be +1 too. i ate a bad burrito tonight for dinner, so we'll see
how i'm feeling tomorrow morning.
> > >> On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 11:06 AM, Jay Boren wrote:
> > >>> It's my last week in Mountain View and I'm trying to get a few SF2G rides
> > >>> in. The forecast looks cold and foggy but I could go for a skyline ride if
> > >>> that's the consensus. Otherwise, 6:30 RRR.