Saturday, September 25, 2010

9/24 6:40 Skyline RRR fast train to breakfast

After todays ride a few things became obvious.
1 - Max is capable of some serious power2 - Max is loves pancakes3 -
Max is scared to death of Beckett
I could spend time here trying to determine what this all says about
Max but mostly I keep picturing the elephant from Saturday morning
cartoons cowering in the face of a tiny mouse.

The morning train rolled up Mission to Cortland where the 7 Skyliners
bid adieu to Yuko and her Bayway rollers.  An uneventful ride up
mission to John Daly led to the first of the real sprints the group
was in anyway together for.  Max was talking some crazy about trying
to get everyone to 'keep it in their big ring', yeh sure homie :).
The climb up Skyline would be the first of many climbs that i unhooked
from the Brooks/Max train in order to save a little for later ( hello
not bonking! ).  At the top of Skyline Dave Blizard nonchalantly
rolled up saying something about having been chasing due to the
dynamic nature of this mornings departure time.  We regrouped multiple
times along the way with the last real time being just after SCT (
which we bypassed ) where Dave B turned off and Max ever vigilant to
Beckett-sign pushed us onward.  Max, Brooks, Jason and I did some
pacelining for the rest of Canada  ( at some point Jasons evil MTB
from the early 90s finally taking its toll and dropped him from the
rotation).  The water at Roberts was delicious and cold and we opted
for the shorter Manzanita road ( once we actually made the turn).  Max
and Brooks possibly sensing Becketts approach kicked in the turbos and
disappeared over the horizon once we hit Junipero Sera so Jason and I
finished to Page Mill where I abandoned to actually make it to work.

Total roll time for me was 2:06 which is a pretty quick Bayway time.
Putting it in on Skyline is friggin awesome.
thanks dudes!
will definitely ride this one again.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Max wrote

Thanks guys, today was straight up awesome -- fast but mellow, not too
cold and not too warm, clear and gorgeous views. Wish all Skyline
rides were like that.
As advertised, we rolled at 18mph, and most of the flat sections were
handled at 25mph or less. Eggs and pancakes were plentiful at our
chill 9:15 arrival.
Nice riding with you all, very much look forward to doing this route again.


P.S. I did occasionally insist we picked up the pace, for fear of
being caught by Beckett's ride 8-O


I've realized that by showing up at ritual 10 min after the group has
departed serves as a great training regimen. The effort expended
trying to catch the group had me in the "lung puking" zone for a bit.

Skyline doesn't get any better than today.. weather was epic! Good ride guys!
You can practice that on FFFF; start at the back of the pack, work
your way as far to the front as possible.

Gets a bit lonely at times, though.


On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:49 AM, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Sep 23, 2010, at 6:54 PM, Max Levchin wrote:

> 6:30, RRR it is.
> I will be there at 6:20, but won't roll until 6:30.
> Pancakes!

Solid ride today, guys.  Pretty sure that was my fastest Skyline.

17.8 ave for me, but I had a solo slog down Foothill with some
elevation gain that brought the ave down, so I'd say we were rolling
~18.1 ave or so before that.

Perfect conditions today, too!

-- thorpej

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