Friday, February 26, 2010

SF2G is awesome!

Even tho we mostly all kind of suck for hiding from the "rains" today, we do have some redeeming virtues.
1) there were no less than 5 rides called for yesterday, and I think they actually all happened (2 skylines, 2 bayways, 1 hmbayway(!)) It was awesome to have a 15-person paceline for parts of skyline after the 2 groups converged. riders coming the other way were fairly flabbergasted.
I think this means we have reached critical self-sustaining mass, and that this organism will live on despite anyone's departure from god's green peninsula.
3) we are in the SFBC's calendar: (scroll down to SF2G FFFF)
so this means we should have a big group for March 5th's FFFF. let's all try and make it for that one, I'll need some help with sweeping. Who's in for that?
4) our Strava club is pretty impressive. check out these mean stats! just imagine if Luddites like Eric actually got Garmins...
we have ridden 69,000 miles as a club, damn! and 2.5 million vertical feet!
Total Number of Rides 1,973
Total Distance 68,699 mi
Total Elevation Gain 2,499,109 ft
Total Commute Distance 24,281 mi
Total Number of Categorized Climbs 3996
I think we're the #2 club by miles, after Mission Cycling, which has 20 more members. So all ye who have garmins, sign up for the club on strava.
good stuff maynard!

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